Maritime and Nautical Archaeology
Dolores Elkin and Christophe Delaere, eds. Underwater and Coastal Archaeology in Latin America. University of Florida Press, 2023.
Honorable mention
Warren Curtis Riess. Studying the Princess Carolina: Anatomy of the Ship That Held Up Wall Street. Texas A&M University Press, 2023.
Maritime and Naval Biography and Autobiography
Robert W. Cherny. Harry Bridges: Labor Radical, Labor Legend. University of Illinois Press, 2023.
Honorable mention
Margaret Willson. Woman, Captain, Rebel: The Extraordinary True Story of a Daring Icelandic Sea Captain. Sourcebooks, 2023.
Maritime and Naval Reference Works and Published Primary Sources
Ryan Tucker Jones & Matt K. Matsuda, eds. The Cambridge History of the Pacific Ocean, Volume 1, The Pacific Ocean to 1800. Cambridge University Press, 2023.
Anne Perez Hattori & Jane Samson, eds. The Cambridge History of the Pacific Ocean, Volume 2, The Pacific Ocean since 1800. Cambridge University Press, 2023.
Honorable Mention
Christine F. Hughes & Charles E. Brodine, Jr., eds. The Naval War of 1812: A Documentary History. Volume IV, 1814–1815 (Atlantic, Gulf Coast). Naval History and Heritage Command, 2023.
Maritime and Naval Science, Technology, and Environment
Fynn Holm, The Gods of the Sea: Whales and Coastal Communities in Northeast Japan, c. 1600–2019. Cambridge University Press, 2023.
Honorable Mention
Laura Trethewey, The Deepest Map: The High-Stakes Race to Chart the World’s Oceans. Harper Wave/Goose Lane Editions, 2023.
North American Maritime History
Thomas Blake Earle. The Liberty to Take Fish: Atlantic Fisheries and Federal Power in Nineteenth-Century America. Cornell University Press, 2023.
Honorable Mention
Sean M. Kelley, American Slavers: Merchants, Mariners, and the Transatlantic Commerce in Captives, 1644–1865. Yale University Press, 2023.
North American Naval History
Stan Fisher. Sustaining the Carrier War: The Deployment of U.S. Naval Air Power to the Pacific. Naval Institute Press, 2023.
Honorable Mention
Philip Reid. A Boston Schooner in the Royal Navy, 1768–1772: Commerce and Conflict in Maritime British America. Boydell & Brewer, 2023.
World Maritime History
Lucia Carminati. Seeking Bread and Fortune in Port Said: Labor Migration and the Making of the Suez Canal, 1859–1906. University of California Press, 2023.
World Naval History
Jon Wise. The Royal Navy and Fishery Protection: From the Fourteenth Century to the Present. Seaforth, 2023.
Honorable Mention
Sara Caputo. Foreign Jack Tars: The British Navy and Transnational Seafarers during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. Cambridge University Press, 2023.