Member, full: $310***
Non-member, full: $375
Student, full: $155
Thursday only: $115
Friday only: $115
Saturday only: $145
Social only: $165
*** Members of NASOH, INA, MMSD, NAP, and SCMA are eligible for member rates.
Full registration includes entry to all sessions, coffee/tea/water breaks, lunches, Thursday reception, Friday reception, and the Saturday evening awards banquet.
Day-only registrations include all activities and meals scheduled for that day.
Social registration includes only late afternoon/evening receptions and the awards banquet.
Images provided by: Scripps Center for Marine Archaeology
To register for the 2023 NASOH Conference by mail, please print the form below and mail the form and your payment to the following address:
Dept. of History, TCU Box 297260
Texas Christian University
Fort Worth, TX 76129
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